Friday Roundup: This Week's Top 3 Career Makers

I am still full from yesterday. This year, we managed to be part of TWO Thanksgivings. I hosted one and my fabulous MIL hosted the other. That's enough turkey to last until next year. I keep proposing beef but my husband says that is "un-American". I hope you had a wonderful day with family and friends and are recuperating.

So, while you use your time off to reflect on your career and what's important, here's this week top 3 Career-Maker's to help you get a little ahead....

1. Use recruiters as part of your job search strategy but not as the ONLY part of your job search strategy.  

I was actually speaking with someone yesterday who is looking for a new role.  And, without me saying ANYTHING, he said that recruiters seem less and less relevant, unless they actually work for the company in "talent acquisition" and not for a recruiting firm that just places people.  We agreed that it is better to work with recruiters who actually specialize in an industry and understand the needs and skill sets required rather than just talking to anyone who says they are a recruiter.

2. Culture is CRITICAL!  

As we spoke, we also agreed that interviewing about the culture and making sure it is a good fit (i.e., you will LIKE will you work) is critical.  Don't just focus on the job.  You might think you can do the job but if you get there and find out you don't like how people interact, how management leads, how people are developed (or not), then you will be MISERABLE

3. Take some time to regroup

Getting ahead in our careers is important, but so is being balanced.  If you start Monday stressed out, you will be starting behind the 8 ball (someone wise said that, I think...).  Go into the week positive and refreshed.  I promise you will be more successful in everything you do.

But if you do want a little homework - I suggest reading Jeff Bezos' CEO letter to his shareholders.  I 100% believe in his long-term thinking as it applies to employees and teamwork (not just customers).  One thing he says is that "high standards" are teachable - I completely agree.  You can't teach me to be taller, but you can teach me to be responsive, improve my righting, think about culture or learn how to communicate more effectively.

That applies to "career makers" too!  Maybe this is why Amazon is so successful???

So enjoy your weekend.

Feel free to share your own career-makers!!!  I would love to hear (ok, read) them.

Rise to the Top

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