So I'm NOT Michelle Obama...But I Can Negotiate Like Her. Can You?

Michelle Obama just inked a book deal worth around $33 million (give or take - she is splitting it with Barak!). That’s the most a First Lady has EVER been offered for her memoirs. Say it with me- AWESOME. But does it make you feel like you need to be flawless, fabulous and the former First Lady to get more cash?

Hell no.

Forget about the amount of money she earned. Focus on the HOW. How was Michelle Obama able to negotiate such an incredible deal? Answer – she leveraged her powerhouse personality. She capitalized on how she is perceived by the world. And she did it her way.

Earning more money comes down to one thing – perception. It isn’t about barreling into your boss’ office and telling your boss how much your job is worth. It is about making your boss realize how much YOU are worth.

So how do you do that?

Leverage yourpowerhouse personality. It goes without saying (but I will say it anyway) – women are different. Some are assertive and some aren’t. Others know how to work a room while the rest of us sit at the bar sipping a Tito’s and tonic while checking Facebook. If I told you to earn more money by going in and asking for it, but that isn’t true to your nature, then you won’t be able to do it.

First, figure out who you are. Before you roll your eyes, I make it simple in my book Rise to theTopI’ve categorized women into 4 areas – assertive, confident but humble, politically savvy and fiercely loyal. By answering a few questions, a light bulb will go off and you will figure out which personality described you best. Once you figure out WHO you are, you can figure out HOW to leverage that personality. Show management how important you are by playing to your strengths, not someone else’s.

Figure out what gameyou are playing. That takes me to step 2. Every company is different. That means each company approaches compensation differently. So figure out how your company plays the game. How? Read the website. If it’s public, grab a strong cup of Joe and read the annual report. If all else fails, ask your manager. Yes, ask your manager. Seriously – ask your manager what the company’s approach is to rewarding and recognizing its people. You’ll be amazed at what you learn.

The point is, you can’t ask for stock options if the company doesn’t offer any. Mature companies have strict guidelines and you need to learn the guidelines so you can play in the same sandbox. Figure out when and how to ask for a bonus. What about things like severance, contracts or benefits? These are potential pieces of the game. Compensation is more than just base salary. Learn what pieces are in the puzzle you are putting together.

Jump in and play thegamePlease – please, please, please – do not wait for the company to offer you more money. It may happen. It may not. Men don’t wait and women shouldn’t either. Playing to your strengths, talk to your manager (or whoever the right influencer is). Remind them of your contributions AND your expectations. Don’t let opportunities pass you by.

If you recognize your strengths, playing the game becomes natural rather than the overwhelming sensation of jumping from an airplane without a parachute.

We can’t all be Michelle Obama. But we can act like it.

Rise to the Top

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