Friday RoundUp: This Week's Top 3 Career Makers

It's Friday.  PHEW!  For some of us, that may mean busy weekends carting kids around to sporting events or, if you are lucky, it means sleeping in!!!  It's a great day to wrap up the week at work, reflect on what was accomplished and get your head around how to handle next week.

Most people want to move forward in their careers, but aren't sure how.  Career development is a vague term.  Have you ever told a child to clean their room (or something like that) and then were disappointed that it wasn't done?  Was that child more successful when they were told to make the bed, put the clean clothes away, put the laundry in the hamper and vacuum?  Same goes for career development.

Career-makers' break down career development activities into easy, actionable items to help you know what to do at work.

Here's this week's career makers:

1.  Practice being direct in your answers

When asked a question, provide a direct answer without all the touchy-feely circuitous responses that weaken your answer.   Practice avoiding "it depends" or "I hope" or "If.... anything" and avoid being vague.  Whenever possible, be specific.  For example, rather than say "I have insights into this organization", actually describe your insights.   

Remember: when in doubt, take a deep breath and be specific.

2. Be responsive

Answer ALL emails/requests/texts/calls within 8 hours or, if possible, 2.  Even if you don't have an answer RESPOND and say you received the email  and are working on it.  Do. Not. Leave. People. Hanging

3. Remember lateral moves are still a successful part of the career journey

Career success does not just mean taking promotion after promotion up the ladder.  A lateral move doing the same job for a different department or company is still a career win.  Getting a degree, working from home, flex time or being able to be home for 6 pm dinner is a career win.  Think about how you define success and don't measure yourself solely by income or title.

And enjoy the weekend.  

Rise to the Top

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