How to Be a GREAT People Manager with 1 Simple Change

Have you heard of Simon Sinek?  If not, you should.  Simon is a consultant who helps people and organizations be better leaders.  He focuses on the "why" - why do you get up in the morning?  why are you in business?  why are your values important?  His mantra is "start with why" then go to "how" and "what".  It is so simple yet so revolutionary.  We are all programmed to focus on the what (aka results) and forget that by focusing on the "why" we will be more successful.

His simple, transparent, and easy-to-follow advice helps millions become better managers and better leaders.

Recently, I watched a 3 minute clip about 1 simple, easy, almost instantaneous change people managers can make to become better managers - and - achieve better business results.

It's a simple, transformative answer that will help you be a better people manager.  What does being a "better people manager" mean?  It means being inspiring, being someone people want to work for, being able to give your team the resources they need to produce outstanding results. 

So many people think being a good people manager is measured based on the results their team achieves.  That may be how the organization measures your PERFORMANCE, but it isn't how the measure good people management skills.  It isn't how being a good people manager is viewed - and it isn't how the team look at it.

So what is the key?  Focus on the person, not the results.  If you focus on the person, the results will follow.  If you ask the person why they are struggling, what they need from you to be more successful, what is going well for them and what isn't, you will motivate them far more than if you ask them they their results are poor, or why they haven't achieved target goals.

Ask them - what is going on in your life and how can I help - rather than - why are your results poor? 

In just 3 minutes - by the end of this video - you will know how to reframe your thinking and do a better job motivating your people.  And then, the performance and results will follow.  Your group will be successful if you focus on them and not on the results.

Rise to the Top

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