How to Interview After Being Fired...And Get the Job

When people are fired, their self-confidence plummets.  Time and time again, I get questions like “how can I hide my age” or “how should I explain why I was fired” or – worse “do I need to take less money since I was fired”?

My goal is to have you walking out of every interview, head high.  I want you to be able to say “no thanks” to a job offer rather than have a company say “no thanks” to you.

Don’t let getting fired get you down.  It’s just a small stop on your career journey.  I almost always find that when one door opens, another opens.  Most of my clients end up happier – with companies and jobs they really love.

Time is money - we all know that.  And we all know there aren't enough hours in the day.  So it is time to simplify this process.  I am creating a series called 60 Minutes to Success.  I understand the job search process is overwhelming.  I also understand that we don't all need the same amount of help during this process - some people need help getting started, others want help interviewing and answering tough questions and others want help negotiating offers.

So I am breaking it down.

How to Get a Job After Being Fired is the first book in this series.  It's on kindle and paperback.  I am so excited and THRILLED to be able to help YOU and others feel better about yourselves, get the job you want and be successful.

Please let me know what you think - I would love to hear from you.  Let me know what subjects you would like help with - in 50 pages or less!  It doesn't take HOURS.  You just need some targeted help to get you focused and on the right track.

Good luck!

Rise to the Top

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