How to Start Finding the Right Job in Only 1 Hour

That's right - I said it.  ONE HOUR. Finding a job isn't easy.  And of course it takes work!  But most people spin their wheels because they rush to LinkedIn and start searching before they actually know what they are searching for. 

Tell me if this sounds familiar:
"I am soooooooooo frustrated.  I have applied for hundreds of jobs online but haven't heard anything.  Why not?  I hate looking for a job."

Sure, looking for a job is frustrating.  A company's job search timetable never matches our own - we are always more rushed to find and land a new role than they are to hire us. 

But does the process have to be soooooooooo frustrating?


The reason the process is frustrating is because most people start by searching for a job instead of starting at the beginning.  And the beginning is not LinkedIn. 

In less than an hour, you can develop a tangible, actionable job search plan that you can actually follow.  To make that job search plan, you need to start your process IN ORDER.  That is why I wrote a guide to help get you on your feet. 
This guide is life-changing and will help you get started and eliminate lots of frustration.  Here's how:

1. Engage in some self discovery - What Do You Know About Yourself?

First you need to understand how you got to where you are - how did transition from job to job?  What did you like and what didn't you like about past companies roles?  If you dig a little deeper you will learn a lot of good information to actually tailor your job search process and help you be more successful in your search.

2. What type of company is right for you?

Companies and cultures are not one size fits all.  If you love a job but hate the culture you will be miserable in 6 months...maybe less.  You need to figure out what culture best suits your personality.

3. What type of role makes sense for you?

NOW it is time to figure out which job is next in your career journey.  Learn how to move forward, sideways or figure out a new career path.

4. What does my personal action plan look like?

Your job search plan is not going to be the same as your friend's, coworker's, peer's or anyone else's.  You need to do you.  Before you apply to a single job, you need to do some housekeeping to set yourself up for success.

In less than 60 minutes, you will feel more confident about yourself and what you need to do to land that perfect job.

Don't waste another minute spinning your wheels or feeling frustrated. 

60 Minutes to Success: How to Get a Job After Getting Fired by [Hawley, Stacey]

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