3 Reasons Why Women Fighting at Work Hurts You and 4 Ways to Make It Go Away

Watching women fight for power is like watching a train wreck happen - someone - if not both -  will be a causality of war.  Every time I read an article about Kate or Meghan I think of two trains colliding.  Instead of working together, they seem to be vying for attention.  Unfortunately only one can - and will - be queen.  Clearly - they don't have any #squadgoals.  And there isn't enough room for BOTH egos to survive.  

The bad press isn't just impacting their personal brands... it is impacting the entire royal family.  Reportedly, Prince Charles had to intervene and tell these grown women enough is enough.  

It is embarrassing.

Not just for the royal family - but for these women at well.  In addition to being embarrassing, the feud only HURTS them both.  Even when Kate "wins" (cause, she is on top of the royal pecking order), her brand is hurt as well.  Public perception is incredibly important, and perhaps both women realize that.  However, both women are missing a very important point - they should be helping each other, not hurting each other. 

By working together, they both win.  Instead, they are both losing.

Same goes for work.

Come on ladies - haven't you ever worked with a complete bI$&% that you absolutely cannot stand...someone NO ONE likes?  The kind that kicks other people to the curb in their climb to the top?  Has that women ever tried to take YOU down?  To embarrass you in front of peers?  To blame you for problems?  To criticize you in front of your boss (if she isn't your boss)????

These people exist.  And our instinct - OUR GUT REACTION  - is to run away, avoid them, hide or TAKE THEM DOWN.

But here's the sad truth - that never works.  In fact, your personal hatred for this woman is on full display for everyone in the office.  Even if it is entirely her fault, you will still be looped in with her.  Your professional development will suffer.  You may not be promoted as quickly.  You will go down with the ship.

Here are 3 Reasons you Need #squadgoals, at work:

1. People wonder if there is any TRUTH to the accusations

Consciously or subconsciously, people begin to think maybe you aren't that good?  Or they wonder if there is any truth at all to the accusations?  The other women might be mean, spiteful and vindictive, but if she is successful and gets results, people will think there are some credibility to her claims.

2. People wonder why you can't get along

You might feel innocent.  You might be innocent.  But perception is reality.  So people will wonder if anything really did happen that made this women not like you.  Do you deserve to be the target of her rage?  Maybe not.  But people might think so.  

3.  Coworkers want to see if you are able to end the feud

Maybe you just the next victim in a long line of victims.  They might think you are the next in line of her many targets and feel sorry for you.  Even so, your colleagues are watching.  How will you handle this situation?  Can you escape from the target?  Are you capable?

The way you handle the situation shows others you are a leader and a survivor.  If you handle it well, it makes others trust you and want to work with you.

So how do other women survive a "princess" at the office?

Make her your friend.

I know that sounds repugnant.  The thought of it might make you want to vomit.  But catfights at work only hurt you.  No one wants to promote you or her.  No one wants to work with either of you.  

If you find yourself the unintended target in a catfight, you need to take the higher ground.  You need  #SQUADGOALS.

Here's 3 ways to turn a princess into a friend at the office: 

1. Spend time together outside of the office

You can grab coffee or lunch but you need to spend time together on neutral ground - without any other prying eyes ready to spread rumors or feed the gossip mill.  Plus being on neutral ground will help diffuse the situation.

2. Show her respect

At the end of the day, it comes down to respect and egos.  The reason there is a catfight at all is because she feels threatened  by you, in some way, some how.  She is feeling like you don't respect her.  It may sound silly, but telling her you respect what she has accomplished and what she can teach you will go MILES AND MILES to make your life better at the office.  It will help make her your friend.

3. Listen and Apologize

Ask her for feedback (even if it hurts you).  Ask her how you can work together.  Listen.  You may actually learn something.  You may realize you unintentionally did something that upset her.  It's amazing how much repair a simple apology can do.

4.  Promote her

She wants friends at work too.  She might seem like an island but she doesn't really want to fight the fight alone.  Be her advocate at work.  And eventually, I promise, she will be yours.  Work together to succeed.

All I can think of is Taylor Swift's Bad Blood video.  And Tswift herself is a great example of what happens when feuds become public.  Her "reputation" (pun intended) took a hit.  She turned lemons into lemonade with her album.  You can too.

Can you imagine how much better their reps would be if Kate and Meghan actually seemed like friends????  At the end of the day, Meghan needs Kate to be successful as a princess.  She wants to go it alone and the whole world sees it.  But Meghan would go a lot further if she worked with her royal SIL instead of against her.

Rise to the Top

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